Selasa, 01 April 2014

Library System in Binus University (Loan Book in Library)

1.  Use Case Diagram

2. Usecase Spesification

Action Performed by Actor
Response by System
1.          Student choose book.
Student borrow the book and come to clerk’s table.

2.        System check how status the book, can loan or not.
3.         If can loan, student must tapping student ID to loan it.

4.        System check student ID and then show confirmation.
5.         Student confirm the book.

6.        System save the book’s status.

3. Sequence Diagram
    a.  Choose book
note: <<Request>>() means to search and choose book 
from library.
    b. Check Book

Note: <<Request>>() means to input ID book or scanning 
from barcode of the book and then check status of the book.

    c. Tapping ID

Note: <<Request>>() means to input ID student or tapping 
ID student.

3. Class Diagram

David Clinton Hutagaol
Computer Science Student
Bina Nusantara University